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Billing Services


Levelized Billing

Get off the high bill roller coaster and pay a more even monthly amount.

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Operation Roundup

With Operation Round Up, your spare change can help to make a tremendous difference in the lives of those who need help within our community. Help us to help others by participating in our Operation Round Up program.

By signing up, your electric bill is ‘rounded up’ to the next highest whole dollar amount. For instance, if your actual electric bill is $83.87, it will be rounded up to $84. The additional 13 cents provides monetary assistance for various charitable and non-profit organizations. Click here to sign up.

Who We Are

Walton Electric Membership Corporation began in 1936 to bring light to a dark countryside. While those in cities and towns enjoyed the convenience of electric power, the residents of rural areas still struggled without it because utilities of the day found those areas unprofitable. A group of local citizens got together to take matters into their own hands and started their own power companies – cooperatives. Although the job of electrifing the countryside is complete, the role of electric cooperatives is as important today as it ever was. Walton EMC is still owned by the very people it serves.